York County Jail
The Corrections Division is the largest component of the York County Sheriff's Office. The York County Jail is a "Flagship" Facility and can house up to 396 inmates, making it the second-largest jail in the State.
The York County Jail is a "Direct Supervision" facility, which means staff are placed in an open setting to be face-to-face with the inmates and are fully responsible for managing inmate behavior. We believe this philosophy creates a safer and more effective jail.
There is ample programming for our incarcerated residents in hopes that their time spent with us is productive. Many of our inmates take the opportunity to address their drug addiction with our robust MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) Program and also to address their other co-occurring mental health issues.
Thanks to the dedication of the corrections staff, the Jail continually receives high praise from many stakeholders.
The York County Jail continues to prove its commitment to excellence through its many years of achieving high grades with its biennium inspections. The York County Jail achieved a compliance rate of over 95% in the State mandatory standards and over 97% in Essential Standards.
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush in 2003. The act supports the elimination, reduction, and prevention of sexual abuse and sexual harassment in correctional facilities across the country. This includes all federal, state, and county facilities.
York County Sheriff’s Office PREA
The York County Sheriff’s Office supports and enforces a zero-tolerance policy toward any form of sexual abuse or sexual harassment at the York County Jail. The YCSO policy is intended to prevent, detect, and respond to allegations thoroughly and confidentially. The YCSO policy is also intended to protect all inmates, employees, and third parties who report sexual abuse or sexual harassment from retaliation by other inmates or employees.
Any reported or detected offenses will be thoroughly investigated. All substantiated cases of sexual assault will be referred to the District Attorney for legal actions.
PREA Reporting
The York County Sheriff’s Office provides the opportunity for third party reporting of incidents or claims. You may report an incident on behalf of an inmate or detainee by notifying a staff member or by calling the York County Sheriff’s Office at (207)-324-1113 . You may leave a recorded message reporting the incident, leaving your contact information so your report can be followed up on. You may also report allegations of sexual abuse/sexual harassment in writing to the York County District Attorneys’ Office, 208 Graham Street, Biddeford, ME 04105 or call (207)363-7434.
Ongoing counseling and support may be accessed by calling the Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine (SARSSM) at 1-800-871-7741. SARSSM is not for reporting purposes. The information provided to this hotline may not necessarily result in an investigation of allegations.
PREA Files
Click on the icons below to view important PREA files.