District of Attorney
Kathryn Slattery
District Attorney Kathryn Slattery, a prosecutor with over twenty eight years of experience, and her attorney staff of fourteen and support staff of nineteen are dedicated to prosecuting criminal cases and civil violations that occur in the towns and cities of York County, Maine. York County has a year-round population of 199,431, making it the second most populous county in Maine.
Who We Are

Kathryn M Slattery
York County District Attorney
Prosecutorial District 1
208 Graham Street
Biddeford, ME 04005
Email: kmslattery@yorkcountymaine.gov
Courthouses in York County
Biddeford Courthouse
York County District Attorney's Office
District Attorney
District Attorney Kathryn Slattery, a prosecutor with over thirty years of experience, and her attorney staff of fourteen and support staff of nineteen are dedicated to prosecuting criminal cases and civil violations that occur in the towns and cities of York County, Maine.
Police Agencies
There are seventeen police agencies located in York County responsible for serving the residents of York County. Those agencies are: the York County Sheriff's Department, the Maine State Police, the Berwick Police Department, the North Berwick Pollice Department, the South Berwick Police Department, the Biddeford Police Department, the Buxton Police Department, the Eliot Police Department, the Kittery Police Department, the Kennebunk Police Department, the Kennebunkport Police Department, the Ogunquit Police Department, the Old Orchard Beach Police Department, the Saco Police Department, the Sanford Police Department, the Wells Police Department, and the York Police Department. They are responsible for criminal investigations that are brought to the District Attorney's Office for review.
In fiscal year 2014, the York County District Attorney's Office prosecuted 10,081 criminal cases, 2092 civil violations, and 525 juvenile matters.
The attorneys and support staff are assigned to work in one of the four offices located in each of the York County courts: York District Court, Springvale District Court, Biddeford District Court, and the York County Superior Court located in Alfred, ME. With the four court locations, crimes are prosecuted geographically.
Notice of Courthouse Changes in 2023
Please note all courthouses (Alfred, Biddeford, Springvale, and York courthouses will be closing, and all future business will be conducted at the York County Justice Center at 208 Graham Street, Biddeford, ME 04005. All employee phone numbers remain the same.
Moving Schedule:
April 7 - Alfred
April 14 - Biddeford
April 21 York/Springvale
Reopening Schedule: (Each courthouse will be closed for one week.)
April 24 - Alfred
May 1 - Biddeford
May 8 - York/Springvale