Department of Homeland Security-Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Notice of Availability of a Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment
York County, Maine Emergency Operation Center, Alfred, York Co Maine
Pursuant to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Executive Orders 11988 (Floodplain Management) and 11990 (Wetlands), the National Historic Preservation Act, and Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 9, FEMA hereby provides notice of its intent to provide funding through the Grants Program Directorate for an action located adjacent to both the floodplain and wetlands.
Under the Proposed Action alternative, approximately 16.8-acres of predominantly undeveloped, wooded land owned by the County would be cleared to construct York County’s All Hazards Training Facility, a portion of which would house the County’s EOC. The new facilities would include a first responder training center, substance abuse treatment facility, burn tower, fire training pond, a 300-ft by 500-ft concrete training pad, vehicle storage, and a K-9 training area. Details include the following:
· First responder training that would be conducted on-site would include emergency vehicle driver training, vehicle extrication; physical fitness training; hose training such as hose line advancement, loading and packing, and flow testing; ground ladder carries; emergency diver drills; and simulated prop burns.
· The project would include updated stormwater management consisting of a grassed under-drained soil filter and wet ponds.
· A 9,824 gallon per day septic system would be installed between the responder training center and the treatment center to manage wastewater from both facilities. By utilizing an advanced treatment system, the project proponent anticipates a reduction in wastewater contaminants and a reduction of the disposal fields by approximately 50 percent compared to a traditional system.
· Utilities including water, electric and telecommunications would be installed underground and tie into existing public utilities currently servicing the adjacent jail. The treatment center and first responder training center would include backup generator installation which would be used intermittently to maintain operations during emergencies.
· Equipment and materials staging would occur within the limit of the newly cleared portions of the site. Erosion, sedimentation, and spill protection measures will be implemented on-site prior to equipment and materials staging.
· Following construction, unhardened surfaces within the site would be mulched and seeded, planted with deciduous or decorative trees, or planted with perennial/shrub beds. Portions of the cleared areas between the facilities and the remaining wooded areas would be seeded with a native meadow/wildflower mix.
As required by NEPA and federal regulations, FEMA evaluated the proposed project, a ‘No Action’ alternative, and one other option. An alternative as originally presented to FEMA would clear 18.5 acres of undeveloped County-owned land including the permanent conversion of approximately 4,100 SF of wetland to include the construction of an access road and emergency vehicle operations course. This alternative was not analyzed in the SEA because it was dismissed during FEMA’s 8-Step Analysis for impacts to wetlands.
The Draft EA is available for public comment and can be viewed electronically at and on the County of York’s website and can be viewed electronically at
It can also be viewed in hard copy at the County Government Building front desk, 149 Jordan Springs Road, Alfred ME 04002.
The comment period for this Draft SEA will end 15 days from the date of the legal notice publication, or distribution of print copies, whichever is later. Comments can be emailed to and, or mailed to Eric Kuns, FEMA R1, 220 Binney St., Cambridge, MA 02142. If no substantive comments are received, the SEA will become final and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) will be signed. Substantive comments will be addressed as appropriate in the final Environmental Assessment and in the FONSI.