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York County Staff Spotlight: Brad Paul

Tammy L Wells

Brad Paul, Supervising Civil Deputy, York County Sheriff’s Office

Where did you grow up and go to school?

I am Biddeford born and bred, and attended St. Mary’s School for 8 years, as did my 9 brothers and sisters, and graduated from Biddeford High School in 1974. I later graduated summa cum laude from Husson University.

What prompted you to decide to seek employment with York County Maine Government?

I had retired from the Saco Police Department at the end of 2016. About a year or so after that, I was speaking with Sheriff King and he thought I would be a good fit in the civil division. That was five and a half years ago!

How long have you worked for county government and in what capacities? What is your current title? Prior?

I was hired by the County in March of 2018 as a part-time civil deputy. When Mike Grovo, the civil supervisor retired, I was selected to be his replacement, a full-time job.

What did you do before joining York County Maine Government?

I received my initial law enforcement training as a military policeman in the US Army. After working as a reserve officer the summer of 1976 in Kennebunkport, I joined the Saco Police Department as a dispatcher. I retired nearly 41 years later as Chief.

What do you like most about your current job?

I enjoy the challenge of ‘digging people out of the woodwork’ when they are tough to find or are evading service. It requires a lot of ‘out of the box’ thinking, sometimes plainclothes work, and odd hours.

When you're not working, what do you like to do?

I love spending time with family, hunting, fishing and camping. I also love hopping on my motorcycle and going off for long solo rides. I’ve been all the way to Yellowstone on it, camping all the way.

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