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York County Staff Spotlight - Chris McCall

Tammy L Wells

Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, York County Emergency Management Agency

Where did you grow up and go to school?

I grew up mostly in Memphis, TN, and went to university in Los Angeles (USC) to pursue a degree in Business Administration. After graduation, I went up to the San Francisco Bay area to work in Apple Finance and later for a small startup in business analytics.

What prompted you to decide to seek employment with York County Maine Government?

York County EMA is the premier emergency management organization in the State of Maine. Our leadership is forward-thinking and is actively working day in and day out to serve the local towns and residents of York County. I wanted to work at an organization that does this – and I made a great choice coming to the York County EMA.

How long have you worked for county government and in what capacities? What is your current title? Prior, if any?

I have been at York County for a little over two months as the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. My main focus areas are working with all 29 towns in York County to:

  • Prepare and update emergency plans

  • Effectively alert and warn residents

  • Increase awareness of the organization through social media and other media channels

What did you do before joining York County government?

The COVID-19 pandemic was the push I needed to change career paths, and I chose to attend graduate school abroad in Tel Aviv, Israel to earn my masters degree in disaster management. During my year in Tel Aviv, I took coursework relevant to my current role and also participated in an internship with a humanitarian aid organization that uses technology to meet the needs of populations facing natural and manmade disasters.

What do you like most about your current job?

I really enjoy the variability of the role. While the long-term vision and goals of the organization stay constant, how we achieve those goals and what we’re asked to do to serve the community can change week to week (especially in a situation where we have to activate our EOC). This makes the role exciting and challenges me to be creative when addressing any situation.

When you’re not working, what do you like to do?

This is my first winter, so you’ll notice I don’t have any winter activities listed (yet). I enjoy getting outdoors – whether that’s on lakes, at the beach, or on hikes. I also enjoy travelling and I’ll rarely turn down the opportunity to go on a road trip.

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