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York County Staff Spotlight - Wendy Caiazzo

Tammy L Wells

York County Deputy Registrar of Deeds Wendy Caiazzo



Where did you grow up and go to school?

I grew up in Saco and attended school there, graduating from Thornton Academy in 1987.


What prompted you to decide to seek employment with York County Maine Government?

I was offered the position by a coworker who had just been elected Registrar of Deeds. I knew I needed a new challenge, and this opportunity fell into my lap at just the right time.


How long have you worked for York County Maine Government and in what capacities? What is your current title?

I have worked for the York County Government for just over 5 years. I am the Office Manager and Deputy Registrar of Deeds


What did you do before joining York County Maine Government?

From 1998 to 2018, I worked for Atlantic Coast Title Company. I processed real estate transactions for various lenders and mortgage brokers.


What do you like most about your current job?

I love that I can wear many hats throughout the day depending on where I am needed most within my department.


When you’re not working, what do you like to do?

I guess it depends on the season. I knit or crochet in the winter and walk the beach with my husband and our dogs in the summer. Of course, going out to dinner and a movie (date night) is always a favorite.

Physical Address:

149 Jordan Springs Rd, Alfred, ME 04002

Mailing Address:

45 Kennebunk Rd, Alfred, ME 04002

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