Property Fraud Alerts
Take advantage of our FREE fraud alerts service
The York County Registry of Deeds provides Property Fraud Alerts free of charge. Unfortunately, property fraud is a growing trend. Criminals may attempt to sell or mortgage a property by impersonating an owner using false or stolen ID. You can sign up to receive an email notification when a document is recorded at the Registry with your name. The service is available by clicking on the link below.
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Fraud Alert Terms and Conditions - SearchIQS Help
County looks to preserve history, for all to see
"York County government possesses thousands of records - like those housed in the Registry of Deeds, which are received and recorded and already available online. But there are other records too, and some of them are fascinating."
Nancy Hammond
Register of Deeds
The position of Register of Deeds is an elected position.
P.O. Box 339
45 Kennebunk Road
Alfred, ME 04002
Wendy L Caiazzo
Deputy Registrar of Deeds
Recording Hours
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
45 Kennebunk Rd. Alfred, ME 04002
Mailing Address:
Registry of Deeds P.O. Box 339, Alfred, ME 04002
DOCUMENT $22.00 for 1st page and $2 for each additional page
INDEX NAMES $1.00 per indexed name over four
MARGINAL REFERENCES $13.00 per marginal reference over one
PLAN $24.00
COPY FEE $1.00
CERTIFIED DOCUMENT $5.00 plus cost of copy
Copy requests can be emailed to:
The customer has been informed that Pay Port is a service offered by a third party working in partnership with the State of Maine and this municipality. As part of our service to you, we will remit the designated portion of your payment to the municipality on your behalf. The balance funds the operation of this and other online services. Conducting business through Maine PayPort is voluntary and the final cost may be higher than using other forms of payment.
This service is provided by the Information Resource of Maine (InforME) as designated in statute of (M.R.S.A. Title 1, Ch. 14).
Transactions over 40.00 - 2.5% processing fee
CHECKS - make payable to Y C R D
No Personal Checks over $50.00
REGISTRIES require clean space and margins on all documents. The requirements are 1 ¾ inch across the top of the first page, and ¾ inch side margins on all pages.
All deeds except corrective deeds, cemetery deeds, confirmatory deed, deeds of distribution and transfers upon death deeds require a Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration (RETTD) Addition information and forms are available through the State of Maine website at the links below.